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About the common

The Commons are the largest area of land available for recreation and open to the public of Guernsey, comprising approximately 740 vergees in all and situate in the north of the Island. In addition to the many open spaces, there are numerous and large areas of gorse and other important habitats for many species of birds, animals and other wildlife. The Commons run from the Vale Church in the west to Beaucette in the east.

Presently, approximately 368 vergees is given over to the playing of golf.

The Commons also have a number of shooting ranges, two football pitches and a horse-racing course.

  • There are (depending upon how you count them) no fewer than 16 car parks, with a total area of 10,800 square metres.

  • Some of the coastal footpaths and other footpaths, exceeding 3,038 square metres.

  • There are metalled tracks across the Commons which amount to an area of 2,126 square metres.

  • There are unmade tracks of 2,721 square metres.

  • There are a number of important ancient historical sites which are in need of investment.

  • There are a number of German fortifications which need ongoing maintenance, and also with a view to them becoming places of future public interest.

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